Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wishful Thinking

Thinking in which one consciously or unconsciously interprets facts in terms of what one would like to believe - wishful thinker.

I spent most of my life in the wishful thinker mode. Thinking things weren't really as bad as they seemed. Thinking things would get better if I just waited a little longer, talked to the right people, got the right job, found the right partner or took the right course, and on and on.

But life didn't change. Because I wasn't changing. Sure, I was getting older. But I started to see that I was doing the same thing over and over and sure enough, I was getting results. But at a basic level, things weren't getting any better, life was going in circles.

Then I decided to take a chance and try something different. I raised my hand on the Internet and said I was interested in making some extra income working from home. I was flooded with emails, phone calls and offerings. All of these people were telling me they had the best product, the best team, the best compensation, and the best everything. But, when I would ask them how much they were making, none of them were making any real money.

Then I got a call from a guy who seemed to be making money, seemed to have a "system" and I decided to join the team. At that point, I started to really believe I could have success if I followed the system. I worked the "system" day and night. Telling people everywhere all of the same things everyone had been telling me! It's easy, anyone can do it, you can get rich, your sponsor will do most of the work, it's a team effort, there is no selling, the product sells itself... and you know what, I believed it was true. I believed I was telling the truth because I wanted to believe it was true... I was still a wishful thinker.

After several years of wishful thinking...and more than a few companies, and more than a few products and more than enough disappointments, I discovered (almost by accident) that it wasn't any of those things. Somewhere along the line, the light finally started to shine. I started to see the truth behind all of the wishful thinking.

I want you to know there are absolute Laws that work every time. They always work. You can't achieve success without using them, whether you know it or not. If you learn the Law of Winning and take consistent action with the principles of those Laws you can have anything you want! That's right, you can have anything you want.

Now, let's be clear. You still need a system, you still need the right opportunity and the right product and the right timing, etc. But if you are using the Laws of Winning, those things will come to you. It's unavoidable! In fact, I now believe the money part is the easy part!

This blog is dedicated to you. My intention is to tell you everything I can to help you find success in your life, not just your financial life but in every area of your life. On these pages, I hope to share with you, and that you will share with me, the principles and ideas that cut through the veil of illusion.

Stop wishing and start winning. This blog is a place where we can share ideas and discover the very principles of success that form an understanding of the Law of Winning. I will point you to resources that have added tremendous benefit to my understanding of the Law of Winning. We can share these resources and setup discussion on these principles.

Law of Winning #1... Study.
You can only improve your outward life by improving your inward life.

The amount of materials available to us today about any subject is overwhelming! It has been reported that the total amount of knowledge in the world is doubling every three and one half years!

Where are we to start with so much information? Start right where you live. Start by reading a book. Books contain information that will make you rich! In only a few hours and for only a few dollars, you can attain the knowledge that took someone else years to learn!

Leaders are readers. Study about yourself and your life will start to change. We will discuss here many concepts and principles, but
the #1 topic you need to know the most about is... you!

Tip from Tony: Set aside time every week (if not everyday) to read and write. Reading is your #1 tool on the path to success. Write about your experience and the things you are learning. Add your comments to this blog site. Let's discuss your thoughts. This is what separates the winners from the losers. This Law of Winning holds the key to changing YOU. When YOU change, your actions change, and your results change, and your life changes!

1 comment:

Dan'L in Rock Island said...

Tony, Hey thanks for the newest tool, I'm still alive & kicking, just not to high Merry Christmas
Dan'L & Sara of Rock Island, TN.