Sunday, December 9, 2007

Realistic Expectations

Realistic... 1. of, having to do with, or in the style of, realism or realists; 2. tending to face facts.

Most of my life, I wanted results right now. Today, especially in the media, it appears that people achieve success overnight. It appears that some people have all of the luck.

LUCK has nothing to do with it. Every time I hear the word LUCK, I say to myself, "Living Under Correct Knowledge". There is no such thing as luck, not in the way I used to believe, when I was uninformed. In fact, believing in magic, believing in other people being lucky and me being unlucky, was actually holding me back.

I used to have unrealistic expectations... I didn't really understand the Law Of Gestation!

Law of Winning #2... The Law Of Gestation.
Everything takes time! Nothing happens instantly.

Thoughts are things and every thought has energy and every action creates results. But, in the world of unseen events, the world of thoughts, we don't always see the results immediately. Would you expect to have a new baby in three months? We all know it takes nine months. Imagine how ridiculous we would sound if we had unrealistic expectations and got upset if we didn't see results in three months! All of the luck, wishing, hoping, complaining, magic or any other emotion or action won't change the outcome. Everything has a period of gestation. Everything takes time to manifest.

It takes years to build a successful business. When you hear about overnight success, in any business, what you don't hear about are the years of hard work and skills they learned before they arrived. You don't hear about all of the failures and lessons learned. And most often, if not always, the relationships developed along the way, that made all of the difference in the end.

We often say our business is a relationship business. Let me ask you about your best friend. Do you appreciate how long it took you to develop that relationship? All relationships take time. I see people who, with little or no experience in sales, try to go out and sell strangers their product or opportunity without first taking the time to build a relationship. Relationships take time. All highly successful people build lasting, meaningful relationships.

We must have realistic expectations. We must appreciate that relationships take time to develop, skills take time to develop and no amount of wishing or complaining or luck will change the facts. It takes YEARS to build a successful business. Any other expectation is naive. Successful people work for years mastering their skills and building relationships before their apparent overnight success. Things are seldom as they appear!

Do you have realistic expectations about your business? Have you considered the Law Of Gestation? Once you understand the Law of Winning you understand the trick is simple. Have realistic expectations combined with effort. Work smart, work consistently and persistently, and over time, you will always get results. No need to worry or hurry. No need to fret or fear.

Give the results of your efforts time to manifest! Even though you may not be able to see the results yet, things are happening right now. Right now the things you are working for are growing, developing and manifesting. Above all, give your relationships time to grow. Care for them and nurture them. If you do this you will absolutely have success! You cannot fail!

I have never seen anyone fail. I see people learn. Some people learn valuable lessons. But thinking incorrectly that they have somehow failed, they quit. Then, at that very moment, when they lose faith in the outcome and they quit taking action, the baby is never born. The most critical element of success is withdrawn. They lose their faith because they don't have realistic expectations. They don't understand the Law of Gestation. They don't understand these simple principles work every single time!

You can't change anyone else. You can only change yourself. Other people are going to quit. They are going to just start to have success, and quit. They are going to learn just what they need to know to go to the next level, and quit. They think, incorrectly, that learning is failing. Only quitting is failing. You can't change anyone else, But you can change. When I learned the Law of Gestation, I changed my thinking. When I changed my thinking and started having realistic expectations, my results changed.

Never, ever, quit. Keep on learning! Have faith in, and understand, the Law of Gestation. Armed with realistic expectations you are already successful!

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