Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unconscious Creation

Unconscious; 1. not perceived at the level of awareness; occurring below the level of conscious thought: an unconscious impulse. 2. not consciously realized, planned, or done; without conscious volition or intent: an unconscious social slight.

In his classic work "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill reveals one of the most important laws of the universe... your thinking determines every aspect of your life!

It's true. Today we hear the New Age "buzz" about the recent book and movie "The Secret". This book makes an eye opening statement about the power of the mind and reveals what James Arthur Ray says to be one of our most important keys to success, "thoughts are things". Our thoughts have power. Thoughts create every aspect of the outward appearance of our lives! This is such a powerful concept we must consider this as one of the most important laws in our understanding of the Law of Winning.

Law of Winning #3... The Law of Unconscious Creation. You are creating every aspect of your life with your unconscious thinking.

If what we "think" really does determine our world, and we think we want success, why don't we have what we want? Maybe it's because we are not monitoring what we "think"...

As Bob Proctor explains in his book "You Were Born Rich", most of your thoughts are unconscious! You have been programmed from an early age and because you are unaware of your unconscious thoughts, your programming is determining your results!

As Jeff Olson explains in his recent book "The Slight Edge, Secret to a Successful Life", social science research shows that as a child, you heard the word "No" approximately 40,000 times before you reached the age of five! And what about those other negative messages like don't, you shouldn't do that, stop that, you can't do that, get away from there, etc.,? Compare that with how may times you heard the word "Yes"... about 5000! Only 5000 positive messages compared to over 40,000 negative messages! At this stage of our development these imprints go directly into our "unconscious" mind and our unconscious mind determines all of our actions!

Now our parents had our best interest in mind. They were only trying to protect us. But this programming affects us for the rest of our lives! We can't go back and adjust or re-live the past. But if we understand how and why our minds work the way they do, we can change our programming!

Your unconscious mind is creating all of the results in your life by affecting your decisions, which affect your actions, which affect your results! Every time you confront an opportunity to change your results in life, your unconscious mind works to "create" actions that are consistent with your programming! And most of us are not even aware this is going on. It's like we are on autopilot.

Have you heard the often quoted definition of insanity? It's doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results! If you keep doing the same thing over and over, guess what, you are going to keep getting the same results! If you change your programming (your mind-set) you automatically change your decisions, which changes your actions, which changes your results.

If we learn how to change our unconscious programming... bam, we start getting different results. We get results that are consistent with what we want.
If we want success, or more of it, we only have to change our thinking!

But the misconception that most people have is that they believe they only have to change their conscious thinking, such as "I see myself driving a new car" or "I see myself thin and healthy" and expect that they will get different results. It will never happen.

Because their unconscious mind (mind-set) will only create results consistent with it's programming. If they have been programmed to believe they "can't" or they "don't deserve" or they "aren't good enough" or they "are too stupid" or they "don't have enough money" or they "are fat" or whatever other voices they hear from their unconscious mind...bam... that new car never arrives or that new diet doesn't work.

Do you know someone who has tried every new diet that comes down the pike and like a roller coaster, with all of it's ups and downs, still wind up back at the same place? Why can't they lose weight? Let me ask you something... What would their body look like in 90 days if Arnold Schwarzenegger woke up in their body tomorrow morning? As funny as this is to imagine, you and I both know they wouldn't even look like the same person! Are you getting this?

You have been creating all of the results in your life. It's popular in today's society to be the "victim". To lay responsibility for the results in our lives to external circumstances, those that appear to be outside of our control. This is popular but it actually has nothing to do with the results in your life. ALL of the results in your life have only to do with your "thinking". And you can control your thinking. In fact, it is the only thing you can control. But most people go through their entire lives never realizing that their "thinking" can be controlled, changed and managed to the point that they can create anything they want!

This is not easy. Even for the best teachers who know this information, it is not easy to defeat those years of programming that are secretly holding you back from the results you want from life. But the truth will set you free!

If you spend time learning about how your mind works, you can start to change the results in you life, almost as if by magic! But it's not magic and the best news of all is that it works every single time. You only have to realize your programming to change it and then you can "create" any result you want.

The "programming" of our unconscious mind continues throughout our entire lives. We are often unaware of this process and so we accidentally re-enforce the programming we don't really want. Here is a quick example. Do you recognize that almost everything we hear and see on television is negative. The news is always negative, sitcoms are negative, even cartoons are negative.

Now I am not suggesting that some of this stuff isn't funny. But even if it's funny it may still be negative. You are better served by avoiding it. As someone recently told me, run like a crazy man from anything that weakens you! Negative information weakens you. My advice to anyone who wants to change their life is to TURN OFF THE TELEVISION. Unplug the TV and spend your most valuable resource, your time, in positive environments with positive people.

If you want to learn more about this very powerful Law Of Winning, I invite you to review a blog site by Bill Harris on the development of our minds and of course, please read all of the books in our reading list found on this page. I highly recommend "The Slight Edge, Secret to a Successful Life" by Jeff Olson.


PJBoro said...

Very insightful thoughts here Tony!!! Thanks for taking the time to write them down for others to internalize... I appreciate all that you do for the team. paul

donnie lynn said...

Words of wisdom we have come to expect.This is like good music...., you never get tired of it. Thanks Tony. donnie